Influencing & Collaboration
Everyone in your organization is a LEADER!
Bring our Workplace Collaboration Virtual Workshop to your people for half the price.
In today’s world, we ask everyone to be a leader. We ask team members to organize themselves and be responsible for their work, and influence towards aligned priorities.
What does it mean to Influence?
Stepping up and influence decisions and outcomes
Having the conversations that need to happen
Connecting and building strong community with others
Being aware of self and how others see you
Achieving success and results with each other
Strategic Influence
Build commitment and results across your organization.
The Strategic Influence workshop provides people with the skills and interpersonal power to stretch their circle of influence, build credibility, and leverage a variety of different styles to influencing decisions and outcomes.
Live In-Classroom or Virtual Delivery
Take advantage of our new partnership offer – 50% off a Pilot Workshop
What causes negative conflict in today’s workplace?
A difference in communication styles or a failure to communicate
Failure to understand or accept the differences in each other’s personalities
Different Workstyles and Values
The failure to accept and value the differences in others

Productive Dialogue
Creating a Culture of Quality Conversations
With organizations scrambling to adapt to the intensity of a changing world, the ability to effectively have challenging conversations has become a key competency.
Productive Dialogue helps learners improve self-awareness and curb conflict behaviors, curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, and ultimately improve workplace results and relationships.
Live In-Classroom or Virtual Delivery
Shift unproductive conflict to more PRODUCTIVE CONVERSATIONS
Transformational Learning, Virtual Experience
Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst™ delivers transformational learning that has an immediate and lasting impact on an organization’s performance and culture.
Here’s how it works
The Everything DiSC Assessment
- Powered and proven by 40+ years of research
- Uses computer adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms for precise results
- Builds the foundation for an ongoing, personalized learning experience
Catalyst™ – A personalized, On-Demand Learning Platform
- Delivers the narrative-style results of the Everything DiSC assessment, allowing learners to delve into their style and develop new skills
- Offers real-time tips for more effective interactions with a learner’s colleagues
- Serves as a learning hub throughout the learner’s DiSC journey, from facilitation to independent exploration
Workplace on Catalyst Facilitation
- Brings the learner’s DiSC results to life in an instructor-led experience that engages and educates
- Virtual training modules including scripted content, contemporary video and activities (in-person training in the future)
- Short-format, modular design that is easily tailored to any group size or time constraint
Add Everything DiSC Workplace Catalyst to your virtual offerings
Additional Influencing & Collaboration Workshops
Build Trust
With this program, individuals and teams are able to understand the impact of their behaviours on building or eroding trust and can identify those aspects that need attention to build and maintain trusting relationships.
This workshop teaches individuals and teams a simple 3-step feedback process. It is delivered in a “feedforward”, future-focused approach that lowers the fight-flight response in others, strengthens relationships and moves towards better solutions.
Proactive Problem Solving & Decision Making
This workshop will give participants the tools and skills for anticipating, identifying and resolving problems before the impacts are felt by the business. Participants will also learn how to apply fact-based decision-making skills and make agreed upon decisions quickly.
Advanced Communication
This workshop will advance participant’s communication skills in effective listening, asking high impact questions, sending clear messages and cascading vision and priorities to people you lead.