Regardless of the type of team you are in; functional, cross-functional, project-based, management, agile, or global, all work teams are built on four fundamental pillars:
Compelling Direction
Inspiring vision of where you are going and clear goals to achieve.
Strong Structure
Agreed upon team charter to guide decision making, problem solving and the right team behaviours.
Required Resources
Available resources to achieve success and continuous team development strategies.
Shared Mindset
Fostering an “us” mentality and a common identity and understanding.
Teams facing distance and diversity, digital communication and changing membership need to quickly upskill team members with new behaviours for this new reality.
Develop strong trust and connection
Engage in conflict and give feedback
Hold one another accountable
Communicate with candor and empathy
Balance observation and participation
Jump Start Your Team
A TEAM PACT gives a team direction and serves as guideposts for decision making and day to day behaviour.
A Customized Approach to High Performing Teams
From talented individuals to extraordinary TEAMS
This program combines a framework for teamwork with personalized insights to create powerful, customized and authentic team development solutions that empower individuals to make lasting change.
Helps individuals and teams develop trust, engage in disagreement, commit to decisions, build accountability and achieve collective results.
In person classroom or Virtual Delivery
Purchase an Intact Team assessment at 50% off the regular price.
Developing the Team Leader
Building Team Leadership Skills
We know you want your teams to work effectively together across your organization, and our leadership and team building training course can help your organization build high-performance teams.
Team Leadership is a skills-based, practical training program and is designed to give your team leaders the process, tools, and leadership skills they need to empower team members, improve productivity, and increase the success of your team initiatives.
In person classroom or Virtual Delivery
Build Community and Impact Together
Group Dynamics
Groups big and small develop based on activities, interactions and sentiments, when [Humans] share common activities, they will have more interaction and will develop more positively toward each other and the topic. The major element is the interactions of the individuals involved.
Develop your team together.